The Gender Reveal is a new phenomenon to me, and I loved the idea! I knew I didn’t want to wait 9 months to know if this little bump was a boy or girl, so a gender reveal was a perfect solution. What I learned from my doctor is that rather than waiting until the anatomy scan at 16/18 weeks, there is a genetic test (non-invasive blood test for me) that now also tells the gender at 10 weeks. The 10 week mark for me was just before the holidays, so I was pretty sure I wouldn’t be hearing until the New Year. For the holidays we spent a few days in Palm Beach with my family, and then traveled to New York to spend time with my in-laws.

To prepare for the fun gender reveal, we bought smoke sticks that shoot our pink or blue smoke, but left them in Florida thinking I wouldn’t need them until January. To my surprise we got the call on December 27th while my husband and I were up in New York with his family. We wanted to be surprised by the news, so had the doctor call my sister-in-law. I was on the edge of my seat to find out!!!! For about a month, I had started to think we were having a boy, and my husband was certain we were having a girl. He’s right, very often 😉 Don’t tell him I said that!

We ran to a party store to get some sort of gender reveal supplies and we came up with the candle. The family was getting together for a belated Christmas dinner and we thought this would be a perfect time. We got my family on facetime so everyone could experience the surprise and excitement together. The family was about a 50/50 split between boy and girl in tally.  We finally lit the candle and it was the most suspenseful few minutes of my life!! It kept going back and forth between pink and blue… Check out my Instagram @nataliekatari for the big surprise!

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