Skincare Tips that Cost Nothing

Skincare friends – Here are a few tips that are easy on your wallet and will help get you that radiant glow for free!

  • DAB, DAB, DAB – When working out, washing your face or getting out of the shower – Make sure to DAB rather than wipe your face. I put it in all caps for a reason. I’ll never forget this because my Mother would always tell me to DAB(!) rather than wipe whenever I was cleaning an outfit with club soda or a carpet from a horrible spill. Overtime wiping can stretch the skin, causing reduction in elasticity. We don’t want that!
  • Drink lots of Water – Even as an athlete growing up, I was never one to drink water all day long until recently. Silly to say but water just never quenched my thirst! My passion for yoga actually is what got me into this habit, as a day without drinking water and a hot yoga class is a dangerous combination. Eventually I saw the benefits, as water flushes out those toxins. Drink up!
  • Healthy & Balanced Diet – This is a tough one for me as I am such a foodie, but my high protein, low carb diet not only helps with weight and energy, it keeps my skin clear. It really is as simple as it sounds. What goes in, like fatty and greasy foods or healthy food rich in antioxidant vitamins, shows up on your face. Haha! So I save my splurging for the weekends, and stick to clean eating during the week. TGIF!
  • Gentle Application – All skincare and makeup products should be applied very carefully. This is much easier said than done when in a rush to work in the morning, but consistency is key. It’ll eventually become habit to take your time. For example, moisturizer, primer, or foundation should be applied using slow and soft circular motions. Eye color corrector or concealer can be applied gently with a brush, or if you prefer using your hands, use your ring finger as the padding is most soft for the under eye. Removing makeup should also be a combination of dabbing and small, gentle circular motions.
  • A Days Rest – This might sound like blasphemy coming from a skincare enthusiast but I like to give my skin 1 day of rest a week from products. I typically shower in the evenings, washing and exfoliating my face to remove the day, and slip into bed sans any moisturizer or serum. This quick break is helpful especially if I see any random blemishes that just need some time away from product. Also, I find that my skin is that much more receptive to products and their beneficial ingredients.

Check out my current Holy Grail AM/morning routine here. Stay tuned for my current Holy Grail PM/evening routine!


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